6. Security Configuration
7. VPN Configuration
8. Reliability Configuration
9. QoS Configuration
10. DDR Configuration
11. VoIP Configuration
User Manual – Configuration Guide
Volume 3
About This Manual
To help readers to better understand, use and maintain Quidway series routers, we publish
the manual suit of Quidway series routers. This manual suit includes:
VRP User Manual
VRP User Manual
VRP User Manual
VRP User Manual
VRP User Manual
VRP User Manual
Configuration Guide (V1.5) -Volume 1
Configuration Guide (V1.5) -Volume 2
Configuration Guide (V1.5) -Volume 3
Command Reference (V1.5) -Volume 1
Command Reference (V1.5) -Volume 2
Command Reference (V1.5) -Volume 3
Quidway R1602 Router Installation Manual
Quidway R1603/1604 Routers Installation Manual
Quidway R2501 Router Installation Manual
Quidway R2501E Router Installation Manual
Quidway R2509/2511 Routers Installation Manual
Quidway R2509E/2511E Routers Installation Manual
Quidway R4001 Router Installation Manual
Quidway R4001E Router Installation Manual
Quidway R26/36 Modular Router Installation Manual
Among the manual suit, the first two manuals are applicable to all routers, and the other
installation manuals are separately used for their own types of routers.
In VRP User Manual Configuration Guide (V1.5) -Volume 3, the modules are arranged as
Module 6 Security Configuration (06SC)
This module mainly introduces the principle and basic specific configuration of security
features provided by VRP1.5, including AAA configuration, Radius protocol configuration,
terminal access security configuration, firewall and packet filtering configuration, IPSec
protocol configuration and IKE protocol configuration.
Module 7 VPN Configuration (07VPN)
This module mainly introduces the principle and specific configuration of VPN solutions
provided by VRP1.5, including configuration of L2TP protocol and GRE protocol.
Module 8 Reliability Configuration (08LC)
This module mainly introduces the principle and specific configuration of backup center and
HSRP protocol.
Module 9 QoS Configuration (09QC)
This module mainly introduces the principle and specific configuration of QoS service
features supported by VRP1.5, including configuration of congestion management, priority-
queue and custom-queue.
Module 10 DDR Configuration (10DC)
This module mainly introduces the principle and specific configuration of dial solutions
provided by VRP1.5, including Legacy DDR configuration, Dialer Profile configuration and
modem management configuration.
Module 11 VoIP Configuration (11VC)
This module mainly introduces the principle and specific configuration of IP voice service
features supported by VRP1.5, including configuration of VoIP, IP Fax, E1 voice, GK client
and IPHC.
For questions regarding the product specifications, please confirm with the concerned personnel in
Huawei's Enterprise Network Section as the software specifications are varied with the product of different
Target Readers
The manual is intended for the following readers:
Network engineers
Technical assistance engineers
Network administrators
Conventions Used in the Document
Keyboard operation
<Key >
Press the key with key name expressed with a pointed
bracket, e.g. <Enter>, <Tab>, <Backspace>, or <A >.
<Key 1 + Key 2>
<Key 1, Key 2>
[Menu Option]
Press the keys concurrently; e.g. <Ctrl+Alt+A> means the
three keys should be pressed concurrently.
Press the keys in turn, e.g. <Alt, A> means the two keys
should be pressed in turn.
The item with a square bracket indicates the menu option,
e.g. [System] option on the main menu. The item with a
pointed bracket indicates the functional button option, e.g.
<OK> button on some interface.
[Menu 1/Menu 2/Menu 3]
Multi-level menu options, e.g. [System/Option/Color setup]
on the main menu indicates [Color Setup] on the menu
option of [Option], which is on the menu option of [System].
Mouse operation
Press the left button or right button quickly (left button by
Double Click
Press the left button twice continuously and quickly.
Press and hold the left button and drag it to a certain position.
Some distinct symbols are employed in the manual to indicate the special notice that
should be taken for the operation. The symbols are:
Caution, Notice, Warning, Danger: Notify the special attention that should be
given to the operation.
Note, Prompt, Tip, Thought: Give further necessary supplement or explanation
for the operation description.
User Manual – Configuration Guide
Volume 3
11 – VoIP Configuration (VC)
Chapter 2
User Manual - Configuration Guide (Volume 3)
Versatile Routing Platform
IP Fax Configuration
Chapter 2 IP Fax Configuration
2.1 Overview to IP Fax
Traditional faxes are sent and received over PSTN. Today fax services are widely used
due to its advantages, such as many kinds of transmissive information, fast speed for
information transmission and easy to use. Type G3 facsimile machines are frequently
used fax terminals in the current fax communications. Type G3 fax is a communication
equipment with digital signal process technology. In the process, image signal is turned
into analog signal through a modem after it is digitized and compressed, then the
analog signal is input into switch via general subscriber line.
The so-called IP Fax, just as its name implies, indicates that fax is sent and received
over Internet. Quidway series router can provide VoIP function. With the features of IP
Fax, it also can offer IP Fax functions. IP Fax can provide PSTN subscribers with
Internet fax services, thus the subscribers only need to pay for considerable cheap
expenses when sending international and domestic faxes.
The diagram of IP Fax architecture is as follows:
Figure VC-2-1 Architecture of IP Fax
IP realtime fax complies with ITU-T T.30 and T.4 protocols on the side of PSTN and
complies with H.323 and T.38 protocols on the side of IP. T.30 protocol is the
transmission protocol and recommendation for the document fax in the Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN). It has made detailed description and rules on the
communication process, the signal format adopted in communication, control signaling
and error correction mode of category 3 facsimile over PSTN network. T.4 protocol
regulates the related standards and specifications for the file transmission through
category 3 facsimile terminals. It has made the standardization rules on image coding
mode, signal modulation mode and rate, transmission time, error correction mode as
well as file transfer mode of the category 3 facsimile terminal. T.38 protocol stipulates
the recommendations and specifications for the realtime communication through
category 3 facsimile terminals over IP network. It has made some description and rules
on the communication mode, packet format, error correction and some communication
process of the category 3 facsimile over IP network.
2.2 Configuring IP Fax
2.2.1 Task List of IP Fax Configuration
You should configure VoIP before configuring IP Fax. For the detailed procedure of
VoIP configuration, please refer to the section “Chapter 1 VoIP Configuration” in the
Chapter 2
User Manual - Configuration Guide (Volume 3)
Versatile Routing Platform
IP Fax Configuration
IP telephone works after VoIP is configured. Generally speaking, faxes can now be
sent and received by using the default configuration of IP Fax only after a facsimile
machine is connected. The procedures of configuring IP Fax are mainly used to set up
the specific parameters of IP Fax or used for some specified conditions. For example,
fax operation can not be completed when the default gateway carrier transmit energy
The task of IP Fax configuration is as follows:
Check if configuring fax to use ECM mode
Configure fax rate
Configure fax train mode
Configure Fax Local-train Threshold Value
Configure gateway carrier transmit energy level
Configure redundancy packet number of T38 fax protocol
Configure the fax protocol intercommunicating with Cisco equipment
Configure the intercommunication method with other equipment
All of the above configuration tasks should be carried out under the condition of dial
peer entity configuration mode.
2.2.2 Checking If Configuring Fax to Use ECM Mode
According to ITU-T Recommendation, Error Correction Mode (ECM) is necessary to
the transmission of facsimile message with the half-duplex and half-modulation system
of ITU-T V.34 protocol, at the same time the category G3# facsimile terminal operating
in full duplex mode is required to support half-duplex mode, that is to support ECM
If the facsimile adopts ECM mode, it has error correction function, and provides
automatic request for retransmission (ARQ) technology, at the same time facsimile
packet will be transmitted in the form of HDLC frame. On the contrary, if the facsimile
machine adopts non-ECM mode (the mode that facsimile must support), it has no error
correction function, and the facsimile uses binary string to transmit.
In actual configuration, if the facsimile machines on both sides support ECM mode, but
the configuration on the side of gateway is non-ECM mode, then non-ECM mode
should be adopted. If the facsimile machine on either or neither of sides does not
support ECM mode, then non-ECM mode should also be used. Only when the facsimile
machines on both sides support ECM mode and the gateway uses ECM mode, ECM
mode can be adopted.
Please perform the following configuration in dial peer configuration mode.
Table VC-2-1 Check if configuring fax to use ECM mode
fax-relay ecm disable
no fax-relay ecm disable
Configuring fax does not use ECM mode
Configuring fax uses ECM mode
The gateway does not use ECM mode by default.
2.2.3 Configuring Fax Rate
Subscribers can configure fax rate according to the different protocols.
Chapter 2
User Manual - Configuration Guide (Volume 3)
Versatile Routing Platform
IP Fax Configuration
If it is set to be the values except for “disable” and “voice”, the fax rate shall be set to be
the corresponding values. The rate set here is not specified rate but the highest
allowable rate.
When the setting is voice mode (i.e. ”voice”), the highest allowable rate of fax should
be finally determined by the differences among voice codec protocols.
The fax rate is 14400bps if G.711 voice encoding & decoding protocol is used
The fax rate is 4800bps if G.723.1 Annex A voice encoding & decoding protocol is
The fax rate is 7200bps if G.729 voice encoding & decoding protocol is used
The fax function is disable when the setting is “disable”.
Please perform the following configuration in dial peer configuration mode.
Table VC-2-2 Configure fax rate
Configure fax rate
fax rate { 12000 | 14400 | 2400 | 4800 | 7200 | 9600 | disable | voice }
By default, the fax rate will be determined by voice mode.
2.2.4 Configuring Fax Train Mode
Local-train mode indicates that the gateway takes part in the rate train between the
facsimile machines on the both ends. In the mode, the facsimile machine and gateway
respectively take part in the training, then the receiving gateway sends the train results
of the receiving end to the sending gateway, finally the sending gateway will determine
the final message transmission rate according to the train results of the receiving end
and its own end.
Point-to-point train mode indicates that the gateways do not take part in the rate train
between the facsimile machines on the both ends. In the mode, the rate train processes
between the two facsimile machine terminals and is transparent to the gateways.
Please perform the following configuration in dial peer configuration mode.
Table VC-2-3 Configure fax train mode
Configure fax train mode
fax train-mode { local | ppp}
The mode is local-train mode (local) by default.
2.2.5 Configuring Fax Local-train Threshold Value
When the rate train is being processed between facsimile machines, the sending
facsimile machine sends TCF data of “0” to the receiving facsimile machine for 1.5
+10% seconds, then the receiving end will determine if the rate is acceptable according
to the received TCF data.
When it is configured to be local-train mode, use this command to configure the
threshold value of the local-train. When “1” appears in the received TCF data, it
indicates TCF data encountered errors during the transmission. If the number of the
Chapter 2
User Manual - Configuration Guide (Volume 3)
Versatile Routing Platform
IP Fax Configuration
received “1” is less than the preset threshold value, then the current rate train is
successful, otherwise, it is not successful.
Please perform the following configuration in dial peer configuration mode.
Table VC-2-4 Configure fax local-train threshold value
Configure fax local-train threshold value
fax local-train threshold threshold
Restore the default value of fax local-train threshold value
no fax local-train threshold
By default, the fax local-train threshold value is 10. The threshold value ranges from 0
to 100.
2.2.6 Configuring Gateway Carrier Transmit Energy Level
Generally, the default values of gateway carrier transmit energy level are acceptable. If
subscriber found fax could not established when the other configurations are correct,
you may try to adjust the gateway carrier transmit energy level. Less energy level value
shows higher energy.
Please perform the following configuration in dial peer configuration mode.
Table VC-2-5 Configure gateway carrier transmit energy level
fax level level
no fax level
Configure gateway carrier transmit energy level
Restore the default value of gateway carrier transmit energy level
By default, the gateway carrier transmit energy level is 15. The level value ranges from
3 to 60.
2.2.7 Configuring Sending Redundancy Packet Number of T38 Fax Protocol
Low-speed data indicates the command data compliant with V.21 and the data rate is
300bps. High-speed data indicates TCF and image data.
Please perform the following configuration in dial peer configuration mode.
Table VC-2-6 Configure sending redundancy packet number of T38 fax protocol
Configure redundancy packet number of low-speed data of
T38 fax protocol
fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy number
Restore the default value of redundancy packet number of
low-speed data of T38 fax protocol
Configure redundancy packet number of high-speed data of
T38 fax protocol
Restore the default value of redundancy packet number of
high-speed data of T38 fax protocol
no fax protocol t38 ls-redundancy
fax protocol t38 hs-redundancy number
no fax protocol t38 hs-redundancy
Chapter 2
User Manual - Configuration Guide (Volume 3)
Versatile Routing Platform
IP Fax Configuration
By default, the number for sending two kinds of redundancy packet is 0.The
redundancy packet number for sending low-speed data ranges from 0 to 5, and the
redundancy packet number for sending high-speed data ranges from 0 to 2.
2.2.8 Configuring the Fax Protocol Intercommunicating with Cisco
The two kinds of fax protocols including T.38 and Cisco fax protocol are supported.
When it intercommunicates with Cisco fax terminal, please select Cisco fax protocol.
When it is intercommunicates with other fax terminals supporting T.38 protocol, select
T.38 protocol. Because Cisco device does not support the fax local train mode, point-
to-point train mode must be adopted to communication with Cisco device.
Please perform the following configuration in dial peer configuration mode.
Please perform the following configuration in dial peer configuration mode.
Table VC-2-7 Configure the fax protocol intercommunicating with Cisco equipment
Configure the fax protocol intercommunicating with Cisco equipment
fax protocol { cisco | t38 }
By default, T.38 protocol is used.
2.2.9 Configuring the Intercommunication Method with Other Equipment
Generally, RTP mode (the corresponding parameter is rtp) is used when using T.38
protocol. But you should select to use VT mode (the corresponding parameter is vt) if it
intercommunicates with the gateway of VocalTec.
Please perform the following configuration in dial peer configuration mode.
Table VC-2-8 Configure the modes intercommunicating with other equipment
Configure the intercommunication method with other equipment
fax support-mode { standard | rtp | vt }
By default, rtp protocol is used.
2.3 Monitoring and Maintenance of IP Fax
Please use the following commands to monitor and maintain IP Fax in the privileged
user mode.
Chapter 2
User Manual - Configuration Guide (Volume 3)
Versatile Routing Platform
IP Fax Configuration
Table VC-2-9 Monitoring and maintenance of IP Fax
Open all of the debugging information switches of ipfax
Open the debugging information switch of function api of ipfax
Open the debugging information switch of main task of ipfax
Open the debugging information switch of controller of ipfax
Open the debugging information switch of level 1 error message of ipfax
Open the debugging information switch of level 2 error message of ipfax
Open the debugging information switch of level 3 error message of ipfax
Open the debugging information switch of all levels of error messages of
debug ipfax all
debug ipfax api
debug ipfax cc
debug ipfax controller
debug ipfax error 1_level
debug ipfax error 2_level
debug ipfax error 3_level
debug ipfax error all
Open the debugging information switch of T38 message of ipfax
Open the debugging information switch of cisco message of ipfax
Open the debugging information switch for reading and writing fax data
between vpm module and voice card.
debug ipfax t38
debug ipfax cisco
debug vpm fax
2.4 Typical Configuration of IP Fax
The networking mode of IP Fax is basically the same as IP Phone. Thus, the functions
of IP Fax can be realized only when the telephone sets in the network of IP Phone are
replaced by facsimile machines. You can basically use the functions of IP Fax only if
you can configure IP Phone. The operation is easy to use.
1) Networking Requirements
Suppose a company headquarter located in Shenzhen plans to send/receive faxes
to/from its Beijing branch via IP network.
The fax number of its Beijing branch is 0101002, and the number of Shenzhen
headquarter is 07551001.
The IP address used to access to the Internet port through the router in Beijing is The IP address used to access to the Internet port through the router in
Shenzhen is
The facsimile machine in Beijing is connected with the second voice port on the router,
and the facsimile machine in Shenzhen is connected with the first voice port on the
2) Networking Diagram
Figure VC-2-2 Networking diagram for typical IP fax configuration
3) Configuration Procedure
The parameter settings for the router in Beijing is as follows:
Quidway(config)# dial-peer voice 1 voip
Quidway(config-peer-voip1)# destination 07551001
Quidway(config-peer-voip1)# session target ipv4:
Chapter 2
User Manual - Configuration Guide (Volume 3)
Versatile Routing Platform
IP Fax Configuration
Quidway(config-peer-voip1)# dial-peer voice 2 pots
Quidway(config-peer-pots2)# destination 0101002
Quidway(config-peer-pots2)# port 2
The parameter settings for the router in Shenzhen is as follows:
Quidway(config)# dial-peer voice 2 voip
Quidway(config-peer-voip2)# destination 0101002
Quidway(config-peer-voip2)# session target ipv4:
Quidway(config-peer-voip2)# dial-peer voice 1 pots
Quidway(config-peer-pots1)# destination 07551001
Quidway(config-peer-pots1)# port 1
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